Wilcon Depot employees volunteer to help the Taal Volcano eruption victims

The country’s leading home improvement and construction supply retailer, Wilcon Depot, encouraged its workforce to give a helping hand through relief donations for the locals affected by the eruption.

All in all, they have gathered a generous amount of relief donations containing food, clothing, hygiene essentials, toiletries, first aid basics, and financial assistance. It’s admirable to see companies going beyond their own walls to strive for positive results in terms of national issues like the one our country’s facing today.

The relief assistance given by the employees is a great way to acknowledge their social responsibility and understand the means of helping those in need. And despite everything that’s been going on, it is heartwarming to witness how everyone is doing their part to help and support the people during this difficult time.

Along with the donations from Wilcon employees, the supplies given by Wilcon Depot itself have been distributed through the help of Local Government Units (LGUs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Let us all continue in providing help for our fellow Filipinos as they get through this natural disaster.

For more updates about Wilcon, you can log onto www.wilcon.com.ph and follow their social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram at @wilcondepot.ph. You can now shop online with Wilcon by visiting shop.wilcon.com.ph. You can also connect with them on Viber Community at Wilcon Depot PH, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

Wilcon Service Center
0908 - 815 - 2881
0917 - 811 - 3401